Postdoctoral Position Available
We are looking for world-class researchers with a high degree of innovative spirit and enthusiasm to operate at the very cutting edge of robotics and healthcare research.
A Postdoctoral Researcher (PDRA) position in tissue engineering for artificial muscle integration is available to support the activities of the University of Bristol and Bristol Robotics Laboratory on the £7 million ($9.6 million / €7.9 million) EPSRC-funded project ”emPOWER: in-body artificial muscles for physical augmentation, function restoration, patient empowerment and future healthcare”. This project will develop soft robotic, smart materials and bio-interfacing technologies for implantable artificial muscles. It will target critical global healthcare needs including stroke rehabilitation, reversing age-related frailty and sarcopenia and restoration of body functions which have been affected by muscle dysfunction. The project will run for five years in the first instance from March 2021 and the PDRA position is available for the full five-year length of the project.
Learn more:Job Details & emPOWER
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